Ksaver Meško Library Slovenj Gradec

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Knjižnica Ksaverja Meška, Slovenj Gradec
Phone386 (0) 2 883 9350

The institution established in 1949 as the Regional People's Library was renamed to Ksaver Meško Library Slovenj Gradec in 1974, and relocated to new premises in 1980. It operates branches in Podgorje, Pameče-Troblje, and Mislinja. The wide spectrum of books, periodicals and other materials the library offers can also be accessed in the reading room. It features a number of special collections, such as a local book and document collection on the region; a rich collection of books (mostly in German) donated to the library by Joseph Arech, a citizen of Slovenj Gradec; and a UN collection, which encompasses materials on the said organisation. Events for young and adult library-goers are held at the library on a regular basis, for instance, lectures, exhibitions, literary evenings, creative workshops, and story-telling hours. In an effort to accommodate members who are unable to visit the library for medical reasons, the staff provide a home library service.

See also

External links

Knjižnica Ksaverja Meška, Slovenj Gradec +
46.503 +
Knjižnica Ksaverja Meška, Slovenj Gradec +
15.086 +
SI-2380 Slovenj Gradec +
Ronkova 4 +
The institution established in 1949 as the Regional People's Library was renamed to Ksaver Meško Library Slovenj Gradec in 1974, and relocated to new premises in 1980. +
The institution established in 1949 as the Regional People's Library was renamed to Ksaver Meško Library Slovenj Gradec in 1974, and relocated to new premises in 1980. +
+386 / 2 883 9350 +
Slovenj Gradec +
SI-2380 +
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